As A Woman, What Medical Diagnosis Was Seriously Delayed For You Because A Doctor Didn't Believe Your Symptoms?


From being told we're acting "dramatic" about our pain to having to wait YEARS for a diagnosis, it's no secret that women's health concerns are often dismissed or misdiagnosed by medical professionals.

According to The Journal of the American Heart Association, women who visited emergency departments with chest pain waited 29% longer than men to be evaluated for possible heart attacks. And another study by Yale Medicine found that the average diagnosis for endometriosis was 10 years despite it affecting 1 in 10 women.

So I want to know, has a medical professional ever dismissed your symptoms that ended up leading to a bigger diagnosis down the line?

Maybe you were told your unbearable cramps were just "normal period pains" before later being diagnosed with ovarian cysts.

Maybe your symptoms were written off as "anxiety" or you were told you were being "hysterical," when in reality there was something life-threatening happening inside your body.

Maybe you could feel that something went wrong during what you were told was a standard procedure, and no one believed you for years, until you later found out you were right.

Maybe you were told that the side effects from your medication were "all in your head," but they ended up leading to a lot of issues down the line.