"People were constantly pulling out that movie in high school and college, but I always thought it was dumb. What's worse, people always tried to explain it to me. I got the movie. I just thought it was dumb."
Reddit user u/Jerswar recently asked people, "Which cult classic film was a huge disappointment when you finally saw it?"
1. "Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'm in my 40s, so I'm in the right age group. I first saw it long ago and have seen it since. I just don't get the love for that movie. It's not a horrible movie but certainly nothing special."
2. "Eraserhead. Left very confused."
3. "My answer is Showgirls. Awful movie."
4. "Donnie Darko. It came out during my senior year of high school and became a cult hit almost immediately. People were constantly pulling out that movie in high school and college, but I always thought it was dumb. What's worse, people always tried to explain it to me. I got the movie. I just thought it was dumb."
5. "Scarface was entertaining, but I don't understand why people consider it a masterpiece. It's Al Pacino screaming his head off for 90 minutes intertwined with hokey sequences strewn in to feign character development."
6. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tim Curry is great, and dressing up is fun I guess, but I didn’t get it overall."
7. "Grease made me uncomfortable and was incredibly boring."
8. "Napoleon Dynamite. It was funny, but it got too hyped up as a classic comedy, and I've just seen funnier movies to the point where I was just underwhelmed."
9. "Labyrinth. I just didn't get it."
10. "I recently saw Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time. I'll give you that it looks beautiful, but the acting was boring, and some of the plot points were a little creepy."