People Are Sharing Things That They're Not Into Now That They're Older, And It's Totally OK To Admit These


You get older, and some things stay the same — but, also, you might lose interest in some things that you previously loved.

1. "Fashion, especially shoes that hurt."

2. "Video games. It's getting harder and harder for me to find new games I like playing. I just end up replaying old games again."

3. "Trying to impress people. I am at the 'What you see is what you get' stage in life, and I love it."

4. "Owning things. I feel like I don't really buy anything anymore, except for necessities. I just don't see the point in having a lot of stuff. I've gotten rid of most of my possessions, even my album collection that used to mean so much."

5. "Movies. Nowadays, most movies are as generic as off-brands from a grocery store that nobody goes to."

6. "Dating."

7. "Going out."

8. "Social media. I uninstalled Facebook a few weeks ago as it was just taking up space on my phone, and I don't miss it at all. I can't believe the embarrassing crap I used to think was social media-worthy, and I cringe whenever I see my old Instagram stories."

9. "Politics. I just don't care anymore. I don't want to paint with a broad brush here, but every politician in the world is a lying, selfish, conniving dick. Left, right, center — it doesn't matter. They're lying to you, and they don't give a shit about you."

10. "Alcohol."