This Is What AI Thinks The Average College Student From Each Of These Majors Looks Like


Lately, AI has generated what it thinks you look like based on which state you live in and what job you have, but I had to wonder if it could give an "average student" based on college majors.

Luckily, for my curiosity, it did, and here's what it generated for each:

The following images were created using generative AI image models for the sake of entertainment and curiosity. The images also reveal the biases and stereotypes that currently exist within AI models and are not meant to be seen as accurate or full depictions of the human experience.

1. Accounting:

2. Agriculture:

3. Architecture:

4. Art history:

5. Biology:

6. Broadcast journalism:

7. Business:

8. Chemical engineering:

9. Chemistry:

10. Civil engineering:

11. Communications:

12. Computer science:

13. Creative writing: